Exclusive interview! Mew Suppasit: “My fans are like a miracle for me”

August 3, 2021
Exclusive interview with Mew Suppasit

Mew Suppasit speaks to K-magazine in an exclusive interview where we celebrate his first anniversary as a soloist, and get immersed into his musical journey. Don’t miss out on everything the sun of Thailand has to say, Mewlion!

From Southeast Asia, in the Ancient Kingdom of Siam, Tpop has become very popular on an international level. A giant step forward that we award mostly to Mew Suppasit, a thai idol who we met for the first time as an actor. And now, has taken the title of one of the most popular singers of Thailand, being able to overcome the barrier of language and amassed lots of Mewlions (fans) with his music, currently three millions on Instagram. The ones that have been an essential part of his pathway, and now with the official release of his first album 365, they celebrate his first anniversary as a solo singer. What a thrill!

For these reasons, we looked for Mew Suppasit and asked him about his newest release, his future plans, and of course about his actor side that also interests Mewlions. Read on!

You can also check: Mew Suppasit: De la A a la Z

11 years of artistic career… and counting

With more than 11 years in the entertainment industry, just one as a singer, Mew Suppasit has appeared in major thai television productions like Tharntype: The Series. The one that brought him international fame and allowed him to consolidate a large number of fans, within and outside Thailand. But it was not until his musical debut with the single “Season Of You”, that his rhythms conquered our hearts even more and made many people sing along to this romantic song all over the globe. 

But his fandom hasn’t been the only one overwhelmed by Mew Mew‘s singing. His interest for music took off by influence of his dad. From there, we began this exclusive interview with Mew Suppasit, and we asked him to tell us a little bit about that stage in his life.

KM: We know because of your dad you love to sing. Do you remember any song he used to sing and still makes you throw back to those days?

MEW: My dad loves to sing songs from Aussanee & Wassun and Bird Thongchai. He sings a lot of songs, then, I can’t remember the name of it, but when I hear it, I can sing along. 

Memories that encouraged the singer to follow his dreams, to establish his own agency MewSuppasit Studio, where he’s the CEO, and fully embark into the music industry. Adventure that since his debut pleasantly surprised us with its interesting musical proposals. And that up to now have accumulated five awesome singles: ”Season Of You”, “Nan Na“, “Good Day“, “Thanos“, and “Summer Fireworks”. The last one, written by himself and his first international single as it is entirely in english.

His album 365 has Mew Suppasit nervous and excited

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Foto cortesía de MewSuppasit Studio para K-magazine

KM: You have recently launched “Summer Fireworks”. Tell us all about it!

MEW: I wrote the story about my fan’s name Summer. She wrote a short letter to me before I debuted as a singer. At the beginning of the letter she cheered me up, then suddenly twisted to the end that she was sick and might not be able to live in this world anymore. She passed away before my debut day. Once I read it, the feeling of fireworks popped up. It’s beautiful but suddenly fades away. So, I promised to myself that I would write this song as a gift for her. Other than that, summer is like a special period for everyone, where you can have a special time with your friends and your family.

Certainly a track that reaches to all Mewlion’s souls, and reminds us of the importance of treasuring every moment we live. Right?

You can also read: Mew Suppasit nos conmueve hasta las lágrimas con “Summer Fireworks”

But there’s even more, because after a year of being in the spotlight as a soloist, Mew should commemorate this with something amazing. And there’s no better way to do it than by releasing his first album, called 365. Which includes his previous singles, plus five new tracks: “Missing You”, “Drowning”, “Time Machine”, “Let Me Be”, and “More and More”. Music that dazzled all of us and we can’t stop playing it. What a perfect way to celebrate!

That’s why, having this exclusive interview with Mew Suppasit, we wanted to know everything that this project has caused in his life. From what it means emotionally to him, till what challenges he had to overcome.

KM: You have just released your first album. What has been the challenge or the most difficult thing about producing and creating it?

MEW: The most difficult part is when you never feel satisfied and don’t know when to stop editing it. I feel like “can it be better than this?” all the time, and keep editing it until the very last minute.

KM: How can you describe your feelings and emotions since it’s the first album?

MEW: Of course, I’m so really excited and nervous. This is my first album, I try my best on it, and I hope everyone will like it.

KM: Is it a love songs album or for the broken hearted, or is there a mix of themes? 

MEW: It’s a mix of it, you can listen to all the songs with all kinds of feelings. It includes a variety of experiences, emotions and music from different talented producers.

So, if you haven’t listened to 365, you will surely do after discovering all that Mew Suppasit has put into the 10 songs that integrate the album. You can now check it at every streaming platform, like Spotify and iTunes

You can also read: Mew Suppasit deslumbra en su primer álbum 365

Mew Suppasit wants to sing with Shakira and J Balvin!



But if his success has been incredible, it’s not only concentrated on thai lands. This is because within hours of its release, the album 365 became a trending topic globally, and he became the only thai singer to reach the 13th position on the Ranking Globlal Digital. Also, he has traveled around the world though special projects made by his fans, for example: The screens of Times Square, in New York; the subway of Mexico City; on the district of Shinjuku, in Japan; and of course, all around Bangkok on its characteristic Tuk Tuks, among others billboards. So, it’s not farfetched to expect some of his music in other languages.

KM: Are we going to listen to some songs in english for your international Mewlions?

MEW: My first international song is “Summer Fireworks”, also included in this album. Also, I may have a few projects in the future with international artists, so definitely more international song releases will follow this. Please stay tuned.

KM: Talking about other languages, you have lots of latin fans, have you ever thought about singing in spanish?

MEW: Oh, it’s a really good idea. I know “Feliz Navidad” (by José Feliciano) and Shakira. I will keep trying to practice my skill, and I would love to sing it when I have a chance to meet all my fans there.

KM: If you had the opportunity to collaborate with a latin singer, would you like to do it? With who?

MEW: Of course, YES!!, I like Shakira and J Balvin. I want to try on a dance song also.

Grateful for Mewlions’ love

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Foto cortesía de MewSuppasit Studio para K-magazine

However, even though Jongcheveevat´s talent (his thai name) is pretty evident, his fans are one of the biggest reasons for him to gain popularity on foreign countries. That’s why, in this exclusive interview with Mew Suppasit, the idol let us know how much he treasures and appreciates the unconditional support of his Mewlions.

KM: You have thousands of fans around the world who follow your example, like doing charity. Did you ever imagine this would happen someday?

MEW: I never imagined that before. All of my fans are like a miracle for me and I want to be better and better for them. I am always grateful that they have supported me. I want my fans to be happy like I’m happy because of them.

KM: Your mexican Mewlions flew over the Pyramid of the Sun at the archeological site Teotihuacan during the spring equinox, to send you prosperity, energy and health. How does it feel to be loved from the other side of the world?

MEW: First of all, I have to say Thank you so, so much for your love and what you guys have done for me. I never imagined that I would be loved by fans from the other side of the world. It’s amazing. I’m so really happy, and I hope that I can meet all my fans in person after the situation (pandemic) gets better. 

Mew Suppasit as an actor is equally impressive

But Mew Suppasit is not only a singer, he also has other facets with which he has captured our attention, like acting. We’ve seen him since his first appearances as the protagonist of different music videos, his debut on the small screen as the main character in Tharntype: The Series, and his first action movie Undefeated. A path that his Mewlions and we are very proud of, because we’ve seen him bloom, and there’s still much more to discover.

KM: Let’s talk about your acting career. You became very popular with Tharntype, but now you have different projects coming up, SuperMan and Aquarium Man. What can you tell us about them?

MEW: SuperMan is the mini-series for the blind (people) that they can enjoy together with everyone. I really like the concept of this project, where everyone can reach entertainment equality. The story line is also very interesting. It’s going to be released soon, please stay tuned on it. The Aquarium man has changed the name to The Ocean Eyes. The story is about a group of veterinarians who will have to protect sea life through a lot of cases and situations, where they can also learn a new life experience from it. This is the first production from my company and will start shooting soon.

KM: Are you planning to portray different characters from now on, to show you range?

MEW: I wish I will have a chance to do it. I love being an actor and I´m always willing to discover new experiences through it. So, I will try to make sure that you guys will definitely see me in a lot of characters from now on.

You can also read: Mew Suppasit, el idol tai de las mil facetas

Fame is an opportunity for Mew Suppasit to be a better person

So far, we have seen the son of Thailand present himself in different ways in the industry: Singer, actor, PhD student, Youtuber, MC, CEO, as well as an advocate against bullying, environment enthusiast, and even animal lover. Sides we’ve been discovering over time and that without a doubt have placed the thai artist as a role model. However, in this exclusive interview with Mew Suppasit, he confessed that not everything is as it seems, there’s something he is not good at!

KM: Being a multi-talented artist, is there anything you are bad at?

MEW: I’m not quite good at my MC skill, it’s really hard for me. You have to control the moods and tones of the show while controlling the queue of the show and guests. Also have to wrap up all the content on stage again to end the conversation.

KM: You became a cultural ambassador of Thailand, because your fans are interested in your language, food, making merits, and more. Do you feel it has become a responsibility or does it make you feel proud?

MEW: I don’t feel like it is my responsibility, I do feel it’s a soft power. The soft power is a power where you can suggest people to be willing on something without any force. And I’m glad that I can use it to attract the world to get to know more about my country and express our culture through this.

KM: On the other hand, you can’t escape the negative side of your career. Have you ever thought of fame as a double edged sword?

MEW: Of course, that’s why I have to focus on being a better version of myself and keep moving forward. Also, I have to be on the ground, stay balanced, and be ready all the time.

What else can we see from Mew Suppasit in the future?


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If you’re thinking that was all we could manage to discover in this exclusive interview with Mew Suppasit, you’re wrong. The thai idol opens his soul to us and talks about his dreams, and even sends a very special message to his future self. Undoubtedly, the future Jongcheveevat will feel comforted by these words.

KM: Having accomplished a lot so far, what would you say to the future Mew of, say 2026?

MEW: In the next five years? I will say: “Thank you for your patience and keep doing what is right. Focus on what you loved, who you loved, and who loved you. Take care of yourself, do exercise, eat punctually, and be positive. By the way, the chances will never come often, so concentrate on what you are doing right now and try your best on it. I will wish you luck”.

KM: What other dreams do you have in mind for your future?

MEW: I want to enter Hollywood, expand my career path and be a positive energy for everyone, inspire the people to keep doing what they love.

Mew has a message for his mexican and latin fans

This exclusive interview with Mew Suppasit couldn’t end without him telling us something about Mexico and Latin America. Pay attention, Mewlion!

KM: Is one of those dreams coming to Mexico and Latin America?

MEW: Yes, I will. I want to meet all my fans in Mexico and Latin America. Let’s make it soon. 

KM: Any words for your mexican and latin Mewlions?

MEW: Gracias, Te amo, Te quiero. (Thank you, I love you, I love you) Thank you so much for always loving and supporting me. Please take care of yourselves and we will meet soon. Espero verlos pronto (Hope to see you soon).


Mewlion, what do you think of our exclusive interview for Latin America with Mew Suppasit? Let us know in the comment section! And stay tuned to K-magazine, there’s one more surprise from Mew for all of you.


You can also read: VIDEO: Mew Suppasit jugó con nosotros “Me Gusta” Vs “No Me Gusta”


Photos: MewSuppasit Studio

PhotoArt: Leidi González Ramírez


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